Why Play Based Learning is Crucial in Early Childhood Education

Hello, Curious Minds!

I’m Ms. Preethi Vickram, founder of Tapas Progressive School, where we prioritise innovative learning.

Today, let’s explore why a fluid and engaging play-based learning setting is pivotal in early childhood education.

I’ll also take you on a nostalgic journey back to our school days and the beloved grandmother stories that were the highlight of our day and served as natural sleeping pills, illustrating how these timeless tales can inspire our approach to education today.

Navigating the Day with Fewer Transitions
I’ve often observed that traditional educational models compartmentalise learning into segmented, rigid schedules.

However, as we navigate the intricacies of child development, it’s clear that young children benefit most from an environment where learning is fluid and play-based—an approach we embrace wholeheartedly at Tapas.

Have you ever paused to think about how many transitions a child navigates daily?
They arrive, they visit the bathroom, and they settle down to eat—each of these steps is a potential interruption to their learning flow.

Adding even more transitions to their day means that instead of truly learning, children end up merely memorizing and ticking boxes off a schedule.

They’re constantly being packed up and shuffled from one activity to another, which can lead to a fragmented understanding and stifle genuine curiosity and engagement.

In many traditional educational settings, a child’s day is strictly divided into fixed periods, each set aside for a specific activity.

At Tapas, we strive to minimize these disruptions, fostering an environment that respects the natural rhythms of young learners.

We believe that children, especially in their early years, should not be shuffled through a series of segmented periods like the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods.

They flourish best in settings where learning progresses fluidly from one activity to another without sudden interruptions.

The Magic of Engaging Stories: Learning Beyond the Basics

Let’s dive into how you can use storytelling to raise thoughtful and inquisitive young thinkers.

Remember the stories our grandmothers used to tell us?
Some might not have made much sense, and they often changed with each telling, but they were wildly creative and engaging—quite unlike the often dry, factual stories children are sometimes subjected to in more conventional educational settings.

For example, rather than a vibrant tale filled with adventure and whimsy, children might be asked to sit through a story that methodically explains how bees make honey or the step-by-step process of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.

These stories, while educational, lack the narrative flair that sparks curiosity and imagination, turning potentially fascinating subjects into a lecture that challenges even the most attentive listener to remain engaged.

Storytelling is a core part of our curriculum, not just for the sake of amusement but as a critical learning tool.

At Tapas, stories aren’t just read; they’re brought to life. We encourage our educators to make each storytelling session interactive and engaging.

This method respects their developmental stage and fosters engagement, making every storytelling session a lively discussion rather than a monologue.

Cultivating Young Thinkers: Essential Tips for Parents

To effectively cultivate the minds of young thinkers, it’s essential for parents to foster an environment of curiosity and exploration outside of formal educational settings. Here are several key strategies to encourage a deep, enduring interest in learning and discovery among children:

1. Explore Nature Together: Regularly venture outdoors with your child to investigate the natural world. Whether observing insects on a plant or discussing the reasons behind seasonal changes, each moment spent in nature can ignite a child’s scientific curiosity.

2. Engage in Home Experiments: Conduct simple experiments at home that demonstrate scientific principles while encouraging active participation. These activities should invite children to predict outcomes, observe changes, and discuss their observations. For example, creating a volcano with vinegar and baking soda or planting seeds to observe plant growth can provide practical learning experiences.

3. Encourage Inquisitive Conversations: Foster your child’s critical thinking skills by asking open-ended questions that require more than yes-or-no answers. Questions like “What do you think will happen if…?” or “Why do you think that occurs?” are great for helping children learn to formulate hypotheses and approach problems scientifically.

4. Utilize Storytelling: Make complex scientific concepts relatable and exciting through storytelling. Select books that intertwine factual information with engaging plots or invent your own tales that include scientific elements. Stories about a curious rabbit investigating the lunar cycle or a young inventor who uses simple machines to solve everyday problems can turn abstract concepts into tangible, memorable lessons.

By integrating these strategies into daily interactions, parents can significantly enhance their children’s capacity to think creatively and critically, laying a strong foundation for lifelong learning and curiosity.

Connect with us:
We’re on a wonderful journey of exploration, and every day is an opportunity to learn something new—not just for our children, but for us as educators and parents. Join us as we continue to explore, learn, and grow together.

Facebook page link- https://www.facebook.com/tapaseducation
Instagram profile link- https://www.instagram.com/tapaseducation/
Email- [email protected]

Guiding Young Minds: Embracing Guidance Over Discipline in Early Education

Hello, Curious Learners and Educators!

I’m Preethi Vickram, the founder of Tapas Progressive School, and today I want to discuss the significant difference between guidance and traditional discipline in early childhood education.

Our approach at Tapas is founded not just on teaching but on guiding, which nurtures long-term positive behaviors and understanding in our young learners.

Guidance Over Discipline: A Shift Towards Positive Interaction

Let’s think about it this way: shifting from strict rules to a focus on guidelines and positive interactions makes a huge difference. When rules are too rigid, they can dampen a child’s natural curiosity and eagerness to learn. However, guidance is about setting positive expectations and helping children understand the impact of their actions on themselves and others. It encourages them to think and learn, rather than simply telling them what not to do.

For instance, the story shared by Nadia Jaboneta from Pacific Primary demonstrates how young children can resolve conflicts with little adult intervention.

When a dispute arose over a roll of tape in students, instead of dictating who gets the tape, the teacher facilitated a conversation that led to a creative solution by the children themselves.

This scenario exemplifies how guidance can foster self-regulation and empathy among children, crucial skills for their future.

Case Study: Transforming Everyday Challenges

Let me tell you about something real that happened, and it honestly surprised us all.

In an early childhood class, the young learners were having a hard time walking quietly through the halls, which disrupted other classes.

Rather than imposing a strict rule, the educators decided to handle the situation differently.

They called for a class meeting and encouraged the children to brainstorm solutions together. During this meeting, the children came up with some incredibly imaginative ideas.

One suggestion that stood out was to pretend to be “mommy and daddy elephants tiptoeing so as not to wake the babies.”

This simple yet creative idea was a hit!

The children loved the concept and eagerly embraced it. Not only did this approach solve the noise issue, but it also empowered the children, making them active participants in their learning process.

They felt heard and respected, and their sense of responsibility and cooperation grew significantly.

Imagine the possibilities when we encourage our children to come up with their own solutions and actively participate in their learning and growth.

Curious about how to incorporate more guidance into your daily parenting?
I’ve got some tips for you in this blog!

From Rules to Guidelines: A Transformative Approach

Shifting from rules to guidelines can dramatically alter the learning environment from one of restriction to one of empowerment.

Dan Gartrell advocates this approach, focusing on how we use our words. He suggests using positive language to help children grasp the ‘why’ behind what they’re asked to do.

For instance, instead of simply telling children to ‘be quiet,’ which could come across as limiting, why not reframe it? Saying ‘let’s walk quietly so we don’t wake the babies’ makes the action a part of a thoughtful, inclusive game.

This way, children learn to consider the impact of their noise, turning an ordinary rule into a lesson in empathy and cooperation.

As parents, do these things to help your children understand the why behind their actions:

1. Explore the Reasons Together: Whenever you set boundaries or rules, discuss them with your children to help them understand the reasons behind these decisions.

2. Ask Thought-Provoking Questions: Encourage your child to think about the consequences of their actions by asking, “What do you think will happen if we do this?”

3. Lead by Example: Show your child how you make decisions by explaining your own thought processes, emphasizing the ‘why’ behind your actions.

Engaging Parents in Guidance

Parental involvement is absolutely crucial when it comes to guiding our children effectively. You see, when parents and teachers speak the same language of guidance, children receive a consistent message, whether they’re at home or at school which reinforces their learning and behavior.

If you as parents use open-ended questions like, “What do you think will happen if…?” helps maintain an environment of exploration and learning outside the classroom as well.

Building a Community of Kindness

Have you ever noticed that kind individuals often seem to be excellent decision makers?

It’s like their ability to empathize and consider the feelings of others helps them make informed, thoughtful choices.

By fostering acts of kindness and teaching children to recognize the impact of their actions on others, we’re not just teaching them to be nice; we’re nurturing a community spirit that supports their emotional and social growth.

Think of it like this: when children create and distribute kindness signs, they’re not just spreading messages—they’re spreading a culture of positivity and thoughtfulness.

Isn’t that a wonderful way to influence the world around us?

Guidelines Over Rules: Practical Applications

Have you ever thought about what happens when we replace strict rules with flexible guidelines in the classroom? It’s a game changer!

Experts like Dan Gartrell recommend this approach because it helps kids understand why their actions matter and how they affect others.

It’s not about telling them what not to do—it’s about guiding them to make better choices on their own.

Imagine a classroom where kids help set their own guidelines.
They might decide together that walking quietly in the halls keeps the peace, or sharing supplies makes everyone’s day smoother.

Doesn’t that give them a sense of ownership and responsibility? And isn’t it great to see them solving problems together?

What do you think this does for their confidence and their ability to handle bigger challenges in the future?

The Role of Educators in Nurturing Future Leaders

To sum it up, I would conclude that if parents and educators work hand in hand, our kids can indeed have a brilliant future.

As educators, we’re not just imparting academic knowledge; we’re shaping future leaders. By embracing a guidance approach, we tackle immediate behaviors and lay down a robust foundation for future interpersonal skills and leadership qualities.

Our classrooms mirror society, turning every interaction into a valuable learning experience that fosters growth.

Here are some examples on how we can emphasize guidance over strict rule-following:

1. Example of Following a Rule vs. Guidance:

Rule: “Don’t speak out of turn.”

Guidance: “Why do you think it’s important for us to take turns talking?”

Impact: Simply following the rule teaches a child obedience without understanding. However, guiding them to understand the importance of taking turns fosters respect for others’ opinions and promotes effective communication, key leadership traits.

2. Encouraging Question-Asking:

Rule: “Complete your assignments on time.”

Guidance: “What steps will you take to ensure you’re on track with your assignment? Do you need help prioritizing your tasks?”

Impact: Instead of merely enforcing a deadline, engaging in a conversation about planning and resource management helps develop organizational skills and initiative.

3. Building Conflict Resolution Skills:

Rule: “No fighting.”

Guidance: “What can we do to solve this disagreement? What are some ways we can both get what we need?”

Impact: This approach helps children understand the underlying causes of conflicts and teaches them to negotiate and find mutually beneficial solutions, essential for future leaders.


By shifting our focus from enforcing rules to providing thoughtful guidance, we nurture children who are not just rule followers but thoughtful, considerate leaders who understand the ‘why’ behind their actions and the effects on those around them.

Join us on this transformative journey, where we not only teach but guide, shape, and celebrate every small step our children take towards becoming thoughtful, considerate, and proactive members of society.

Facebook page link- https://www.facebook.com/tapaseducation
Instagram profile link- https://www.instagram.com/tapaseducation/
Email- [email protected]

The Hidden Struggles of Our Children : Addressing the Students Burnout

Hello, Parents and Educators!

I’m Ms. Preethi Vickram, Founder of Tapas Progressive School.

At Tapas, our mission is driven by a vision to not just educate but to deeply understand and nurture each child’s potential. Today, I want to address an issue that’s often overlooked yet significantly impacts our children’s well-being—stress and student burnout.

As parents and educators, it’s easy to miss the signs. We see our children going about their daily routines, juggling school work, extracurriculars, and social lives, and we often don’t realise how much they’re actually handling. But have you ever stopped to consider that a child attending school for 30 hours a week might be more burnt out than an adult working twice those hours?

Getting Confused About How This Is Possible? Let me explain it from an adult’s perspective:

Imagine this: every day at work, you’re bound by stringent rules, fed information that doesn’t resonate with you, and constantly assessed not on your understanding but solely on your ability to recall details under pressure. Imagine the stress and the frustration building up, day after day. Now, if this paints an exhausting picture, think about our children who are in similar, if not the same, situations.

The scenario becomes even more disheartening when these young minds feel the immense pressure but are afraid to express their stress and fatigue. It’s not just about the overwhelming tasks they face; it’s about feeling trapped in a system that doesn’t acknowledge their struggles or their need for a supportive learning environment.

Why This Burnout?

It stems largely from the traditional educational systems that dominate our landscape. These systems often focus more on rote memorization than on actual learning, more on following rigid guidelines than fostering genuine intellectual growth.

This approach not only stifles creativity but also significantly hampers emotional and social development.

And think about this: our children endure this stress and burnout for years, molding into something they were never meant to be. Then, as they step into adulthood, we place the burden of expectations on their shoulders—expecting them to be leaders, decision-makers, and problem solvers. But how is that possible? How can we expect them to excel in these roles if we’ve never truly prepared them for it? We’ve asked them to follow, not to lead; to repeat, not to create; to conform, not to challenge.

Would You Follow My Advice If I Showed You How Our Kids Could Become Exceptional Decision-Makers and Excel in Their Endeavours?

At Tapas, we’ve completely flipped traditional methods to ensure that education goes beyond merely feeding information. We focus on nurturing critical thinkers and proactive individuals, preparing them not just to learn but to excel in real-world challenges.

Here’s what we do differently at Tapas—and what you can implement at home too:

1- Empowering Choice: We strongly believe in empowering our students with the ability to make choices, as this enhances their decision-making skills and strengthens their critical thinking. Engage your child in everyday decisions at home to prepare them for bigger choices in life. For instance, when buying something for the home, consider taking their advice or asking for their opinion. If you’re planning a family vacation, involve them in the discussion—ask what destinations they would prefer or what activities they’d like to do. Even involve them in financial decisions, like setting a budget for gifts or choosing savings goals. From the smallest decisions, like choosing a movie to watch, to significant ones like planning holiday activities, involving them helps develop a strong sense of responsibility and boosts their confidence in making choices.

2- Democratic Rule-Setting: We encourage a democratic environment where students and children are invited to discuss and set the rules in their classrooms and homes. This not only fosters a sense of ownership but also makes them feel respected and valued in their own spaces. Rules are essential as they provide structure and enable systems to function effectively, but when these rules are democratically established rather than imposed, children are more likely to adhere to them with enthusiasm.

For example, at Tapas, when it came time to decide on a school uniform policy, we involved the students in the discussion. Many expressed that they did not want to wear uniforms daily. We took this opportunity to explain the benefits of uniformity and its role in fostering a sense of community. After a thoughtful dialogue, we reached a mutual decision: students would wear uniforms only during special events and on certain days. This compromise respected their preferences while maintaining the school’s values, demonstrating the effectiveness of collaborative rule-setting

3- Learning from Failure: Instead of striving for perfection, we focus on learning from failures. This teaches our students that it’s okay to fail and that real growth comes from understanding and overcoming setbacks. To help instil this mindset at home, consider having weekly discussions with your child about your own experiences with failure.

Share stories about times you faced challenges and how you learned from or overcame them. This not only normalises failure but also demonstrates that setbacks are universal and can be valuable learning opportunities. Such discussions can foster a healthy perspective on failure, encouraging your child to approach challenges with resilience and openness.

Watch this video where I delve deeper into these practices and explain how they can significantly reduce student burnout: Click Here –>

Engage with Us:

We’re keen to hear your thoughts on reducing student burnout and nurturing resilient, confident learners.

Message us on Facebook, share your feedback, or drop us an email.
Facebook Page Link: https://www.facebook.com/tapaseducation
Email id: [email protected]

Let’s collaborate to make education a more thoughtful, engaging, and stress-free journey for our children.

Stay connected by following us on our social platforms where we share more insights and updates about our innovative approaches at Tapas Progressive School.

Together, let’s reshape education to empower our future generations!

First Day of school – Top 10 tips to make it tear free!

The first day of school is fast approaching. For some parents, the children are returning to school after the summer break. For others, it is probably a first time experience. From my years of experiencing the first day blues, both for the preschool educator and for the preschooler, I’ve learnt some tremendous lessons on how to make this a day to look forward to instead of fearing it. Here are the top 10 tricks to ensure the same:

1. Routine –  Children like routines. The first day of school can be unsettling as the child’s routine will be broken for something new and potentially ‘scary’. We often see that on the first few days of school, the mornings are rushed as the parents are pressed for time, balancing between a child who is refusing to get ready to school and being on time. It’s important that you start setting the routine for the child from a month before the school’s start date. This way the child’s biological clock is set and the first day is not a disruption of it. Early to bed is a must. Ensure that on the first day, your child is well rested. A tip to keep in mind is that a child takes about 20 minutes for every activity, especially in the morning. So plan in advance. 20 minutes to brush and bathe, 20 minutes to do the big job, 20 minutes for getting dressed, 20 minutes to eat breakfast, and so on. If you have enough 20 minutes planned, you will have a stressfree day and your child will have a stress free FIRST day!

2. Get the Teacher and School Involved – Stranger Anxiety is the most important factor in increasing the stress on the first day. Familiarise yourself and your child to the school. If possible, introduce your child to the teacher. Weave the mention of the teacher into conversations even before beginning school. ‘You’ve finished your snack Yash, I’m sure your teacher Savitha will be happy’, ‘I wonder what wonderful toys your teacher Savitha has arranged for you at school’, are some examples. Make short visits to school before the session begins to familiarise your child to the environment as this will also remove anxiety. Tour the school with your child, showing where he / she is expected to sit, play, explore and even the toilets. Explore if the teacher is open to having conversations at various times during the time leading up to the the school opening. At our school, we have always had an open hose before the start of the session where parents and children meet the teachers. During this, parents discuss about the child’s pet peeves, likes and dislikes. Since we get children from varied linguistic backgrounds, parents are asked to share a few of the important words in the child’s mother tongue for thirsty, hungry, the big and small job.

3. Read Books –  A great way to introduce about school is to read books about it. Books about saying goodbye reduce the fear of the actual talk about goodbyes. Some children cannot bear to say goodbye and may be very reluctant to even listen about saying goodbyes. Through the story, they are able to project their fears and understand from a non threatening perspective. Here are some of the books that can help:

      •       The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
      •       David Goes to School by David Shannon
      •       Will I Have a Friend? by Miriam Cohen
      •       First Day of School by Anne Rockwell
      •       When I Miss You by Cornelia Maude Spelman
      •       Take a Kiss to School by Angela McAllister
      •       It’s Time for Preschool by Esme Raj Codell
      •       A Pocketful of Kisses by Audrey Penn- See more at:

4. Novelty Factor – There’s nothing like retail therapy, even for children! Invest time and maybe even a few rupees into buying a new backpack / water bottle / snack box. Anything that the child can look forward to going to school. Spending the time together to choose an object can help the child overcome fears. At our school, we build up the excitement with a complimentary kit for the child that will contain a bag, the diary (we call it a passport), the smart card (used as a security measure for child pick up), a CD (with phonics rhymes), a book of rhymes and more. This is a sure shot way to help build a bond between the child and the school.

Does your child have a favorite soft toy, pillow, blankie, car or book? Talk to the school about letting your child carry the comfort object to school. This object helps the transition from home to school. The teacher can help by creating a special place for the comfort object. It also becomes a conversation starter between the teacher and the child.

5. Don’t Sneak Away, Don’t lie – Many parents would like to ignore the painful separation. During drop off, the parents believe that sneaking away helps. This is farthest from the truth. Sneaking away makes the child insecure. Once object permanence sets in at the age of about 8 months, children understand that if the parent is not here, they must be somewhere. If so, why is mommy not with me? When you sneak away, the child is even more scared and the settling process will take longer. Another thing we have observed is the lying. Parents constantly assure the children that they are right outside. But when the child does not see the parent a few minutes later at the promised spot, the child is even more scared. Parents lie that they are going to the market, office, etc. The question is why are you not taking me, the apple of your eye, to where ever you are going? Once the child realises that he has been lied to, he does not want to have anything to do with the shool that has caused it. Very importantly, trust is broken. Lying in general to the child is an epidemic. Let us take a vow to never lie to our children.

6. Keep Goodbyes Short – Every year, we see drama unfolding at our school’s gate. Picture this: We can almost hear sad music in the background. The mother is unwilling to let the child go. There are many hugs and kisses. Many instructions hurled at the child. As the teacher takes the child in, the mother will hold onto the child till the very last moment possible stretching out her hand till only their fingers meet. Phew! This long drawn out goodbye affects the child. The child believes that the separation is making the mother really sad and the child believes that it’s the new place that is causing this and as a result does not want to stay there. In fact we encourage fathers to drop the children. We’ve seen that when the father drops the child, they just hand the child over to the teacher with a crisp bye and a pat on the back. This shows the child that the father is confident about this place, about the child taking care of himself.

7. Resist Peeping – On the first day of school, if the class has a window, there’s a parent peeping through it. I can gaurantee you this! I believe it is to do with this whole ‘helicopter parenting’ generation that has gotten out of hand. Granted, every parent is curious to know if the child has settled, how he is doing, is she getting what she wants, and so on. Peeping through a window or every time the door opens even a crack, undermines the teacher. A child sees this as a indication of the teacher not being capable enough. We are sending mixed signals to the child. On the one hand, we want the child to trust the teacher and follow her into the classroom. On the other, a peeping mom indicates a lack of trust. Further, it means that you do not believe in your child being able to manage on his own. Let us fall back and allow our children to breathe. Let us allow them to learn by trial and error. Stop the peeping!

8. Communicate – Great, the first day is over! Now is the time to talk to your child. Show that you understand the pain they may have gone through but you are also confident of how they will love the school. Ask them which part they liked, what they want different, which was their favorite toy, etc. This conversation reiterates positivity about the school and the teacher.

9. Never Compare – ‘Rohan has stopped crying, why don’t you?’ asking this to a child is like your boss asking you ‘Your colleague has achieved his targets, why can’t you?’ Nobody likes to be compared. Especially children. At an age, when we are teaching children to be social, learn to share, comparing them will only breed competition. Competition in all forms is bad for children under the age of 6. At this age they need nurturing relationships that value them for who they are and not who they are in comparison to their neighbour. This is the age when we are teaching children to collaborate, which cannot exist if there is competition. Without collaboration, the social ettiquettes that we are trying to teach children, will collapse. Each child is unique, and needs uniqe parenting too.

10 – Never use school as a threat – ‘If you don’t finish your food, I’ll complain to your teacher’, ‘If you don’t listen to me, I’ll send you to school’ These kind of statements are often used in households for creating fear in the children, which in turn is supposed to be disciplining. Last night, you threatened the child with ‘SCHOOL’ and in the morning today, you want the child to go happily to this scary place. (The same applies to doctors, needles and medicine) Use ‘school’ and ‘teacher’ in the most positive context you can. We are not monsters, we do not hurt children. In fact, you are free to come and look at our ‘Zero tolerance policy’ which states that we do not tolerate any abuse, punishment, raising of voice, threats, etc and are at liberty to fire the person found doing so.

The first few days of school can be pleasant and memorable for all stakeholders, the parent, the teacher and especially the child. Let’s work together and make it special!

Happy Parenting!

Welcome to “Dream Builders”: Unveiling Our Child-Crafted Campus

Welcome to Our New Chapter at Tapas Education

Hello, fellow explorers of knowledge!

I’m Ms. Preethi Vickram, the founder of Tapas Progressive School.

As the founder of Tapas, my journey has been driven by a single, determined vision: to create an educational environment that not only teaches but truly understands and nurtures each child’s potential.

Education is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s about creating spaces that inspire curiosity, foster creativity, and cultivate a deep, lasting love for learning.

At Tapas, we challenge the conventional, embrace the unconventional, and continuously seek to understand the evolving needs of our students. Our approach is built on a foundation of empathy, ensuring that every decision we make resonates with the voices of those who matter most— students.

As we stand on the brink of opening a new campus, I am eager to share with you how we are bringing this vision to life, transforming ideas into a tangible reality that your children will experience every day.

Dear parents and future members of the Tapas family,

I’m thrilled to share with you a vision that’s close to my heart—the creation of our new Tapas campus. Education is a journey we undertake together with your children, and every step on this path should be shaped by understanding and empathy. This principle led us to an important initiative, “Jaga,” meaning ‘awakening.’

We reached out to students across India, from tiny tots at age 4 to teenagers at 16, to ask a fundamental question: What do you wish for in a school campus?

Journey Begins:

Our journey at Tapas begins with a clear, visionary goal: to redefine education in a way that is truly centered around our students. We embarked on this path not by looking at what has traditionally been done, but by asking ourselves what should be done to foster a genuine love for learning. This led us to a unique, empathetic approach where every decision is influenced by the needs and dreams of our students.

A Nationwide Call for Ideas

In an initiative we named “Jagar” — meaning ‘awakening,’ we sought out voices from students across India, engaging with learners from diverse backgrounds, ages four to sixteen. We didn’t just ask them about their academic needs; we delved deeper, seeking to understand their holistic experience at school. What environments make them feel most comfortable? What inspires them to learn? The feedback was not only enlightening but also incredibly inspiring, shaping the very foundations of our new campus.

Bringing Ideas to Life: Nature and Learning: A Symbiotic Relationship

When we analyzed the feedback, one theme stood out strikingly: the desire for a closer connection with nature. This wasn’t just about having more plants around; the students wanted nature to be part of their learning journey. We took this to heart and designed a campus where nature is not just on the periphery but integrated into the very fabric of our educational spaces. Each classroom has direct access to outdoor learning environments, and windows are designed to frame nature as a backdrop for day-to-day learning.

Building a Future Together: Building with Purpose and Sustainability

Sustainability is a principle that runs deep in our approach to building the new campus. From choosing locally sourced materials to designing structures that make the best use of natural light and air, every element has been chosen with an eye toward reducing our carbon footprint and enhancing the environmental well-being of our community. We engaged local artisans and builders, ensuring that the campus itself is a lesson in ecological responsibility.

Insights of Our Dream Campus: Art and Creativity: Spaces That Inspire

Responding to the student feedback highlighting a passion for art, we’ve created numerous spaces across the campus dedicated to artistic exploration. These aren’t just traditional art rooms; they are dynamic spaces designed to inspire creativity in all its forms—from digital arts to classical painting and sculpture. Our aim is to make art a daily part of our students’ lives, something they can engage with spontaneously and joyfully.

Flexibility in Education: The Modular Classroom

The concept of the modular classroom came directly from our understanding that learning doesn’t happen in a one-size-fits-all environment. Each classroom can be easily reconfigured to support different teaching methods and learning activities, from lectures and seminars to workshops and group projects. This adaptability ensures that teachers can tailor their lessons to the most effective formats, and students can experience a dynamic and responsive learning environment.

Sports and Community: Building Team Spirit

Our sports facilities go beyond serving as physical exercise venues; they are designed to be integral parts of the school community. Fields, courts, and gymnasiums are planned not just for sport but also for social interaction, leadership development, and personal growth. We emphasize inclusivity and teamwork, creating spaces that students feel belong to them and where they can celebrate their achievements together.

From Garden to Table: Culinary Education

Culinary education at Tapas is about connecting students with the origins of their food. Our garden-to-table program involves students in every step, from planting seeds in our gardens to preparing and serving food in our kitchen. This program is designed to teach students about nutrition, sustainability, and the joys of cooking, providing practical life skills that complement their academic education.

Join Us on This Transformative Journey:

As we embark on this exciting new chapter at Tapas Education, I warmly encourage you and your family to explore the unique offerings of our new campus. This isn’t just a place; it’s a vibrant community where your child will thrive, surrounded by nature, creativity, and innovation. It’s a testimony to what education can become when we genuinely listen to our most important stakeholders—our students.

I can’t wait to welcome you to our Tapas family. Together, let’s make education a beautiful journey for our children.

Forces and what it can do

Hello, fellow explorers of knowledge! I’m Ms. Preethi Vickram, the founder of Tapas Progressive School. Today, I’m thrilled to share with you an exciting journey into the world of physics, seen through the eyes of our curious young learners.

Before we dive into our learners’ experiences, let’s take a quick trip down memory lane—but no, not to those nostalgic moments with friends. Let’s talk about the traditional educational system many of us grew up with.

Remember those school days when we were often asked to memorize formulas and definitions without really understanding their application? Well, at Tapas, we’ve taken a different approach. Our learners aren’t just tasked with memorizing information; instead, we guide them to truly understand and apply their knowledge in ways that matter.

Would you believe me if I told you that your child is already engaging in physics activities through their everyday actions?

You might not even realize it, but your child has been applying the principles of forces in simple daily tasks. Pushing a door open, pulling a drawer closed—these actions aren’t just routine; they’re your child’s first practical lessons in physics.

It’s fascinating to see these principles come alive in a classroom setting.
We decided to turn these basic interactions into a full-blown, adrenaline-pumping game of throwball!

Recently, we dove into an exhilarating activity focused on a fundamental concept in physics—forces.

We named our activity “Forces and What it Can Do”

Our young scientists, equipped with balls and bursting with energy, learned firsthand about forces.

Every time they threw the ball, they shouted “push,” and every time they caught it, they exclaimed “pull.”

This wasn’t just a game; it was a dynamic lesson in physics, showing our learners how forces operate in real life.

What Our Learners Discovered:

1. Forces at Play: Each throw and catch was a practical demonstration of forces at work. The students saw that actions like pushing and pulling can directly influence the movement of objects.

2. Movement and Force: The game illustrated that movement is a result of forces acting on an object. When the learners threw the ball, the force of their throw set the ball in motion.

3. Stopping Power: The excitement peaked during the “monkey in the middle” game, where one student stood between two teams, trying to intercept the ball.

This part of the activity helped them understand that forces aren’t just about movement; they can also be used to stop moving objects.

Through this activity, our learners didn’t just hear about physics in theory; they felt and saw it in action.

This approach is at the heart of what we do at Tapas Progressive School. It’s about making learning real and tangible. It’s not about rote memorization of formulas but understanding how these formulas can be seen and felt in everyday life.

Do you remember how often we used concepts like ‘sine’ and ‘cosine’, the Pythagorean theorem, or even the intricacies of mitosis and meiosis outside the classroom? Probably not often, if at all.

Here, we ensure that the concepts learned are applicable, memorable, and useful beyond school.

Beyond the Classroom

This project-based learning strategy extends beyond the fundamentals of physics. At Tapas, every subject is taught with the intent to connect deeper with practical life. Whether it’s math, science, or literature, we aim to foster problem-solvers who think critically and apply their knowledge creatively.

See the Learning in Action!

Are you curious to see how our learners tackle these interesting projects and learn with joy?

Head over to our Facebook page to watch them in action. You’ll find videos and photos of our students engaging in these interactive lessons, making learning enjoyable and effective.

Visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/tapaseducation

Here’s something special for the parents! 👇🏻

Tapas Talkies: Where Learning Meets Discussion

And there’s more! If you’re interested in learning from experts about child development and educational strategies, subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch ‘Tapas Talkies.’ Here, I host discussions with experts in child development, education, and parenting. These talks are designed to provide you with insights and strategies to enhance your child’s learning experience.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZmy1pUu3qn2cddfDm28Nlg/featured 

Exciting News: A Campus Designed by Learners!

I’m thrilled to share that in Bengaluru, we are opening a new campus—designed by learners from across India.

Imagine a learning environment crafted by the creativity and needs of its students. Intrigued? Want a sneak peek or a guided tour of what promises to be an inspiring educational setting? Reach out to us to discover a campus where every nook and cranny reflects the ideas and aspirations of its young designers.

To visit or learn more about our innovative approach and how it can benefit your child, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Contact us for a tour: +91 97316 01333.

Join us on this transformative educational journey at Tapas Progressive School, where we redefine learning every day. Together, let’s nurture the problem solvers of tomorrow!

The Importance of Anger Management Skills for Children

Greetings, fellow explorers of life! I’m Ms. Preethi Vickram, founder of Tapas Progressive School, and today, I’m thrilled to delve into a topic that touches every soul, irrespective of age—anger.

Imagine anger as a wild, untamed river. Now, what if we could channel that powerful river into energy that helps instead of harms? It’s a bit like turning a rushing stream into a helpful waterwheel.

What seems like a tiny thing to you could be the spark that sets off anger in someone else.

Anger’s a fire that can burn so bright,

A dangerous spark in the dead of night.

In class, we learned to tame the flame,

With cool activities, we changed the game.

It’s not about quenching, but guiding the light,

Turning the darkness into something bright.

Anger managed, now we see,

Is power harnessed, setting us free?

Now, think about your child. There might be triggers affecting them that we haven’t even thought of. It’s crucial to recognize that anger is different for everyone, and sometimes, the things that upset our kids might surprise us.

I’ve found some great ways to turn anger into something positive and creative. With help from our students, I’ve learned a lot about emotions and found some surprising benefits. And you know what? The results have been amazing.

I am excited to share the activity our learners did, but before we dive into that, let’s take a moment to understand how anger can impact our kids.

Knowing this really highlights why it’s so important to manage it effectively.

Unmanaged anger in children can have several negative impacts:

1. Emotional Distress: Persistent anger can lead to feelings of sadness, loneliness, and helplessness, affecting a child’s overall emotional well-being.

2. Social Challenges: Children who struggle to manage their anger might have difficulty making friends, maintaining friendships, or interacting socially, as peers may find their reactions intense or unpredictable.

3. Behavioural Problems: Frequent anger can lead to aggressive behaviors such as hitting, biting, or yelling, which can be problematic both at home and in school environments.

4. Academic Difficulties: High levels of anger can interfere with concentration and focus, potentially leading to poorer academic performance.

5. Impaired Problem-Solving: Anger can cloud judgment, leading to impulsive actions and difficulty in making thoughtful decisions or solving problems effectively.

You don’t need to worry after reading about the impacts

Keep your spirits high! With the right activities, your child can effectively manage their anger.

Now I can’t wait any longer to share the amazing activity we had for our learners!

Our learners’ creativity explored their emotions by making posters about what made them angry and how they calmed down. They also engaged with worksheets that helped them understand and manage their emotions better. It was a fantastic way for them to express themselves and learn about emotional regulation.

Isn’t it superb how they combined fun with learning during this activity?

If you wish to see our little ones having fun while doing this activity, check it out on our Facebook page!

And guess what? That was just one way I helped our learners manage anger. You can try plenty of other activities at home with your child to help them handle their emotions.

Here are three simple activities:

1. Feelings Journal: Encourage your child to keep a journal where they can draw or write about their feelings every day. This helps them process emotions and reflect on what triggers their anger.

2. Role-Play Scenarios: Use role-play to act in different scenarios that might trigger anger. Discuss ways to handle these situations calmly, helping children apply these strategies in real life.

3. Timeout Timer: Use a timer for timeout sessions. Instead of setting it as a punishment, frame it as personal time for the child to reset. Discuss that everyone sometimes needs a moment alone to think and regroup.

Now, here comes a viewpoint you might not accept right away. Give me a chance to explain, and with a real-life example, I’ll show you exactly why it works.

Are you prepared?

In addition to these activities, let your child express themselves and involve them in decisions such as choosing new items for their rooms, selecting family outings, planning meals, or even discussing home renovations.

This builds their confidence and makes them feel valued.

You may wonder how kids can be a part of such decisions. Well, let me share a real-life example that truly showcases the potential our children have when given the opportunity:

Students aged 4 to 16 have designed our new campus, turning their dreams and desires into reality.

We asked 225 kids, aged 4 to 16, what they wanted in their ideal school campus.

At Tapas, I recognize. the profound impact that the learning environment has on education, and I couldn’t think of anyone better to design that environment than the students themselves.

This initiative proved that children, when given the opportunity, can make insightful contributions to decisions that affect their environments and experiences.

In our next blog, I’ll dive deeper into our new campus and explore how our young learners have meticulously planned every detail. I am excited to announce the opening of our new campus, a visionary project shaped by the dreams and desires of students from across India.

Until then, I encourage you to keep sparking creativity and curiosity in your children at home with the fun activities I’ve shared. Each activity is designed not just to manage emotions like anger but to foster skills in problem-solving and emotional intelligence.

Stay connected with us! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to catch a glimpse of our engaging activities and see firsthand how our learners thrive and have fun.

Here’s where you can join our community:

Facebook page Link: https://www.facebook.com/tapaseducation 

Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/tapaseducation/

We regularly update these platforms with behind-the-scenes content from our educational journey, providing a window into the dynamic, supportive environment we nurture at Tapas.

Click the link below to watch a comprehensive video of our campus, created and envisioned by our students.

Video Link: https://fb.watch/rL3fjY917L/  

This video is more than a walkthrough; it’s a vision of the future of education, designed by the individuals it serves.

If our innovative approach inspires you and you’d like to see this transformative educational space or discuss how your child could thrive with us, contact us at +91 97316 01333.

I am excited to welcome you to Tapas and demonstrate how we’re redefining the educational landscape, one student at a time.

Benefits of Project-Based Learning

The best schools are the ones that prepare students for life- work, interpersonal relationships, leadership, emotional and physical well-being. Today’s students will most probably have careers where they will be involved in multiple projects. So, it is rather important to design the curriculum in a way that prepares students for projects. 

There are multiple benefits of an educational curriculum that you can find in project-based learning programs. Let’s look at a few: 

  1. Engagement and interaction with content are much better and deeper for students as they get a more immersive experience in a project-based learning environment. 
  2. Project-based Learning activities often happen in a team or include an element of presentation, encouraging students to work on their communication skills, team building and leadership skills, public speaking and confidence, and other social skills. 
  3. An often overlooked benefit is that students learn to build a professional connection with their peers, mentors, and audience from the start making it a much easier task later in their professional life. 
  4. Since students are an active part in designing their projects and learning outcomes, the sense of autonomy and responsibility develops faster and deeper. It also ensures that students know how to design their learning throughout their life for upskilling or re-skilling at any point in their life. 
  5. Some important signs of emotional maturity and well-being are the capability to resolve conflicts, active listening and understanding, empathy, and desire to do better. When students participate in project-based learning ideas, especially group projects, they have a higher chance of developing these necessary skills for a healthy and well-balanced emotional life. 
  6. This learning method encourages curiosity in students, they take action, find results on their own or fail and try again. This whole process of encouraging exploration and learning from mistakes empowers them to take and create better opportunities in future. 
  7. Parents often worry about their kids’ assessments and results. When the assessment is done on a project, the teacher/facilitator gets multiple assessment points, aspects and a better understanding of the student as a person. The assessment in project-based learning programs is holistic and much deeper than traditional exams. 
  8. Learning through projects as a method is very conscious and inclusive of different learning styles and needs of the students, making it a better learning experience all over. 

Education should not be limited to the four walls of classrooms and as educators, it is our responsibility to create adults who are equipped with skills and resources to thrive in a constantly changing work environment, who are able to live a fulfilling life and be active contributors to society. Tapas, a 100% project-based learning school in South Bangalore, brings that vision to life.

Child-Centric Education

Benefits of Child-centric Education in the 21st Century

As the focus of education has been slowly shifting to a Child-centric approach, we see a rise in educators who support equipping students with 21st-century skills through child-centric teaching. Teachers all around the globe have been trying to make their classes fun, engaging, and tailored to students’ needs. Child-centric teaching enables them to make learning fun, incentivises students to be actively involved in the process of their education.

Supportive Environment: One of the most important places for students and teachers is the classroom and when the classroom environment is child-focused, it is equipped with all the necessary items to cater to the individual learning styles of students. Students are motivated to brainstorm and engage actively to match their interest level with ideas, concepts, and skills planned as part of the curriculum. Active participation ensures not only a higher level of engagement but also individual responsibility for learning.

Holistic Approach: Child-centric learning methods majorly focus on the holistic development of the child, even NEP 2020 supports classroom learning to regularly contain more creative, collaborative, exploratory, and fun activities. Such Activity based learning encourages the development of physical capabilities along with intellectual prowess, cognitive or mental abilities, emotional understanding, and social and interpersonal skills.

Play and Activity-based learning: Most qualified educators ponder on how to make their classes more fun and interactive because they understand that for a child an activity-based learning experience is more long-lasting and memorable. As they focus on the child, they include more and more play-based activities and hence reward the students for engaging with the curriculum as they learn not only information but application in real-life scenarios through play.

Real-life application: It is fairly common for parents to worry about their kids as they transition from home to school to college. A Child-centric educational environment is less structured and more activity based, making it closer to life. As students get more involved, it becomes easier for them to apply their learning in any situation and scenario.

Supporting Individuality: In a traditional classroom, it gets difficult for students to shine with their individual expressions and style. However, cold-centric education gives more importance to individual learning styles, enabling students to bring out their individuality and be assessed on their strengths as they work on their potential areas. The child works with the teacher to personalize their lesson plan so they can learn the best way possible and master the skills needed.

Continuous learning with immersive experiences: In a child-centric learning environment, a child learns the skills and plans their own activity and lessons. It enables them to continue their learning in the future as needed and makes it playful for long-term learning.

At Tapas, we see children developing and enjoying all these benefits of chilld-centric education. They work with facilitators to design their activities, we share immersive experiences with master classes and children have high energy throughout the day as the whole experience is full of play and fun activities. No wonder they don’t want to go home and are excited to come back to school every morning.

Progressive Educational School

What are the features of progressive education?

The term “progressive education” is used to describe an educational philosophy that emphasises critical thinking skills, experiential learning, and social responsibility. Some schools have adopted this type of education in order to provide students with a more hands-on approach to learning. Progressive educators believe that students should be given the opportunity to explore their own interests and find their passions, rather than being limited by what the school has deemed appropriate for them. Progressive Education focuses on children’s social, emotional, and intellectual development. It is also known as child-centered education.

The term progressive education was coined by John Dewey in education reform. The progressive pedagogy was a significant part of Dewey’s philosophy. In his time, educators considered the progressive approach to be a type of education that would have broader social and political implications. Progressive education is opposed to traditional education in which children are expected to memorize knowledge, whereas progressive education advocates educational experiences that allow children to think critically and learn by using what they have learned in different settings. Progressive educators believe that the method of teaching should be based on the needs and interests of each individual student. In today’s society, education is sometimes criticized as being a tool for social advancement. Low-income students are often put into classes before they are prepared for them, and their grades suffer as a result.

Progressive education means different things to different people, but most progressive educators agree that it involves providing children with opportunities to learn through exploration, experimentation, and other activities that are engaging and interactive. Progression is also based on the idea that children learn best with questions, not answers.

Tapas School is an example of a Progressive Educational Institution in Bangalore. 

What are some of the main benefits of studying in a progressive educational institution?
The benefits of progressive education are that it provides a more interactive and less rigid environment for the students. The students are encouraged to explore their surroundings in order to learn about themselves, the world around them, and what they can do in it. Students are more holistically trained to take on the problems of tomorrow. Progressive Education makes your child’s education future proof. 

What are some of the key features of Progressive Education?

a) In progressive education, teachers serve as facilitators or guides. Lectures are replaced by active collaborative learning. In progressive education classrooms, students have a say in the pace and style of learning, unlike in traditional classrooms.
b) Progressive education is student-centered. This leads progressive education curriculums to be interest-based, which encourages learning way more than traditional grade-based systems.
c) Students learn topics by undertaking the practical applications of theoretical concepts. Such hands-on investigative learning builds up a natural curiosity amongst children, which serves them well throughout their lives.
d) Progressive education encourages collaborative learning, thus leading to more empathetic students.
e) Practically doing things helps students find creative ways to solve problems. This also enhances critical thinking skills amongst students. 

Tapas is a progressive learning institution in Bangalore that engages students in project-based learning programs. They follow a project-based learning structure to teach the students. This new methodology has been met with a lot of enthusiastic reception from educators and parents alike. Progressive Education Institutions are the future of the education ecosystem and Tapas is learning the way in Bangalore, India.

Do you have questions
and want to contact us?
Call or visit us.

+91 97 3160 1333

Main School campus:

#213, B.M Kaval, Bangalore South Taluk, Off Kanakapura Road, Bangalore - 560082

Early Years Campus:

586B, Vajarahalli Main Road, Off Kanakapura Main Road, Banashankari 6th Stage, Kanakapura road, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560062

© 2022 – Tapas Education. All rights reserved.